March 27, 2010

Trash to Treasure Projects

I am still totally obsessed with my yard & finding something I can turn into a primitive "goodie" for my house. Althought it snowed 2 days ago here in Ohio I managed to find an inside yard sale today @ a local American Legion. I was very amused that I found a couple more "projects" .... Here they are...



before after

(As you can tell I haven't quite figured out this blogging thing yet but I'm working on it :) )

I think they turned out pretty primitive-ish. I just put a coat of coal black on them & then lightly sanded them after they were dry. For $2.50 I have two new things to add to my house. I might try to find some berries or something to put in them, but I'm not sure where to find them cheap...and cheap is what I need them to be!
Well that's all I have for today... hope this week is warmer than the last couple of days so I can get back in the yard. I'll keep posting my "goodies" as I find them. Happy treasure hunting!!

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